Horses are spectacular creatures, and I have spent most of my life admiring them from a safe distance while my horsey friends regularly broke...
Horses are spectacular creatures, and I have spent most of my life admiring them from a safe distance while my horsey friends regularly broke...
Peter has done Nedbank Tour de Tuli (TdT) for the last four years and I have always suffered from the most horrendous and ill concealed fomo...
The Lunar Chicks are one of only three all-women adventure racing teams in the world. Three of them are mothers. And they’re about to compete in...
Lunar Chicks take on the Beast (Because girls are not just compulsory equipment…) Running, riding and reading maps like a girl is an affirmation...
So what’s been happening so far this year? I had a deal with Peter that I would run one of my favorite races - the Transkei Ultra a 270km race...